AOTECH Galicia Technological demonstrator

 Santiago de Compostela. A Coruña. Galicia

#4burgosi40 Expo Industry 4.0 2024 > Demonstrators

Fórum Evolución Burgos. Hall 3rd floor

Demonstrator number 9



The demonstrator will measure in real time the fat and protein concentrations of different milk powder samples. The system will consist of our AONIR sensor and a laptop on which the results will be displayed for each of the samples.

Innovative features

The main innovation of the demonstrator consists in providing a solution based on a NIR sensor, which can operate both in-line and off-line, to provide, in a second, critical values to determine the quality of powdered milk.

Moreover, as both the hardware and the software are self-developed, the prices of this technology are considerably reduced compared to the current offer in the market.

Pilot implementations

Currently we have conducted a pilot with the company Galidiet to measure both fat and protein with which we have a first version of a predictive model that allows us to demonstrate the technology.

Related i40 technologies

  • IoT / lioT
  • Sensorics, advanced electronics, and embedded systems
  • Predictive models

Contact persons


Are you interested in this technological solution?

You can visit the AOTECH Galicia Stand or request a meeting at the matchmaking activity.

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