Stakeholder of DIHBU 2022-2023
Eurofirms Group is the leading national human resources management company and is a benchmark business group in the sector.
It has several offices in Castilla y León, where a high level of operations are carried out with industry. The company has a high interest in applying innovative and digital solutions to talent management.
Eurofirms has expressed special interest in promoting the management of specialized talent within a scenario of industrial digitization, as well as in the application of solutions based on Industry 4.0 enabling technologies.
For this reason, DIHBU and Eurofirms Group have been collaborating closely since 2022 to support the activities of the hub, and specifically, in everything related to the management of Talent 4.0.
Results of the Collaboration Agreement
Participation as a collaborator in the Burgos Industry 4.0 2022 Technological Meeting, promoting the event.
Participation as a partner in the Technological Meeting Burgos Industry 4.0 2023
Eurofirms has participated in the technical sessions within the Industrial Track 4.0 2023 Conference, and in the Industry 4.0 Matchmaking B2B, within the Talent 4.0 corner.