The Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0 (DIHBU) participates in DIGIS3, an initiative for the digitalization of Castilla y León, which aspires to be an official candidate for the European Digital Innovation Hub.
The overall objective of DIGIS3 is to ensure the smart, sustainable and cohesive digital transformation of SMEs and public administration entities in the region, covering urban and rural areas with a focus on cohesion, through comprehensive support for users, facilitating their access to specialized technical knowledge and experimentation environments.
The project is led by the AIR Institute technology center and arises as a result of the continuous growth of existing DIHs in the region. It is formed by the following entities: The Institute of Business Competitiveness of Castilla y León (ICE), the Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0 Association (DIHBU), the DIH-LEAF Association, the Supercomputing Center Foundation of Castilla y León (SCAYLE), and the University of León.
DIGIS3 has a wide range of infrastructures that it makes available to companies and the Public Administration to develop the services provided by the project, such as training, testing and experimentation and advice on digitization, to facilitate access to know-how and experimentation environments.
Technology education and training: this service aims to increase the competitiveness of companies by increasing their knowledge of disruptive digitization technologies and optimizing processes to improve products or services or increase management efficiency.
Mentoring: this service provides digitization mentoring, digitization diagnostics, advisory services, visits to digital demonstrators and support services for proof-of-concepts and prototypes.
Support for the search for funding: this consists of the provision of technical advisory services for access to funding opportunities for new R&D and innovation projects in the digital area.
Networking and access to innovation ecosystems: we will provide the appropriate framework for networking between different stakeholders in digitization and regional and international companies.
DIGIS3 has several success stories and looks forward to further contributing to the business development and digitization of companies in Castilla y León.