DIHBU and the other partners of the DIGIS3 consortium met on February 21 in Salamanca to hold the kick-off meeting of the project, which serves as a prelude to the official presentation event, which will take place on 13 March.
The meeting was attended by representatives of all DIGIS3 partners: the Institute for Business Competitiveness of Castilla y León (ICE), AIR Institute, DIHBU, DIH-LEAF, the Castile and Leon Supercomputing Center Foundation (SCAYLE) and the University of León. Each of them presented their work package to establish how to proceed over the next six months, with the overall goal in mind: to ensure the smart, sustainable and cohesive digital transformation of SMEs and government entities in the region.
Thanks to the contributions of each of the members, a roadmap for progress in the coming months has been established, clarifying the roles of each partner through the four basic pillars on which the actions of the consortium, configured as a European Digital Innovation Hub, are based: sustainability and demographic challenge, talent, communication and cooperation.