Success case – Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0.
Technologies: Virtual Reality, Cybersecurity, Cloud Computing
Type of Services: Technology: Technical Support, Access to Finance. Ecosystem: Community Building
Type of client: SME
Initial Problem / Challenge
The SME Grupo Tiempo Activo (Emersive) needed a specific technical support to generate a good project proposal based on the initial idea for a specific public funding programme, in a regional environment.
The project idea won the “Best Idea Award” in the Artificial Intelligence category of the competition held at the Industrial Track 4.0 Burgos event (December 2020). The prize was a DIHBU services voucher (1.000 €) to shape the initial project idea.
The project proposes a new immersive learning system for good practices in cybersecurity, based on the generation of virtual scenarios and situations similar to reality, customisable for each client company. The system is supported by visualisation interfaces and a dedicated app.
Solution / DIH Services
The hub verified the feasibility of the proposal. (2021) and also worked with the SME in a search for industrial partners for the testing pilot planned.
The hub supported the company in submitting an application for regional programme for funding (ICE) and signed a letter of support.
The project has successfully obtained regional funding (January 2022) and has been launched.
DIHBU will collaborate in the execution of this project, through a small technical cooperation, contemplated in the technical report.
- GRUPO TIEMPO ACTIVO (EMERSIVE), SME from Burgos, as technical developer
- DIHBU, as a DIH services provider
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