The IA4SECIoT project, led by the UBU Applied Computational Intelligence Research Group (GICAP), has received the highest rating for INCIBE strategic projects in Spain.

The project has a total budget of 1.2 million euros and it will be financed by the European Union – Next Generation EU, through the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, after the signature of the corresponding agreement.

The project also contemplates the training of current and future professionals in the cybersecurity sector, citizen science and scientific dissemination activities, demonstrators and actions related with teaching in this area.

The project will begin in the following months from a specific headquarters in Burgos, it will be executed until December 2025, generating a high impact on employment, as numerous recruitments linked to it are planned.

From DIHBU we congratulate the UBU for this success.

About the IA4SECIoT project

IA4SECIoT seeks to develop solutions to ensure and protect the increasingly numerous Internet of Things (IoT) devices in multiple areas, including industry, in which the University of Burgos maintains close collaborations with companies. and productive entities representative of both sectors.

The project is framed in the field of innovative systems for the analysis of Internet of Things devices and delves into the confluence of two of the main essential enabling technologies today: Artificial Intelligence and cybersecurity.

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