Expo Industry 4.0 Burgos Catalogue


Artificial Intelligence System for detecting moving elements. The demonstrator will present how Artificial Intelligence detects people.

The equipment that will be displayed will be an edge device, a camera and a monitor where the detection is displayed.

The development of this system is our own and we are currently carrying out a use case within the automotive sector, for the detection of movements that identify sequence errors in operators.

Logicmelt is an engineering that combines the disruptive technologies of edge computing and artificial intelligence, providing solutions for the specific needs of the industry.

Other example
Artificial Intelligence

This artificial intelligence system can be adapted to other needs such as detection of PPE, or for the detection of defects in metal or wooden parts.

Applied technology

Artificial Intelligence, IoT

Entity holder of the technological demonstrator




Iago Seijo Fraga, Cofounder


Demonstration space Expo Industria 4.0 Burgos. Expo Zone Floor 3 Forum Evolution: Demonstrator nº 7