Tequipo is a innovative SME focused on optimizing logistics processes through electronic devices, customized vending machines, and control systems. Tequipo develop its own distribution machines, electronics, and control/monitoring software, and generates complete systems that provide an innovative range of services that considerably improve traditional methods.

With his services he has helped both large multinationals and local companies to save costs in inventory management, accumulating numerous success stories. Tequipo is an industrial manufacturing profile and a excellent developer.

Tequipo technology has not only remained in the industrial environment, but has also developed new ways of working. Among them are: the creation of systems for the sale of automated lottery, the development of check-in structures aimed at tourist apartments and rent-a-car, the implementation of automatic cash management systems and technological products for vending. traditional.

This formula of constant innovation to respond to the needs of its customers has led the company to be recognized as one of the most prestigious companies and creative industry.

TEQUIPO is member of DIHBU since 2021