GSK is a pharmaceutical multinational that settled in Aranda de Duero 40 years ago.
This company, British originally, is dedicated to the research and development of pharmaceutical products. Specifically, the Aranda de Duero production center belongs to the group of factories focused on the production of medicines in the respiratory and HIV area.
GSK‘s pharmaceutical production center in Aranda de Duero has had significant investments that have allowed it to have more than 50,000 m2 in which the High Height Warehouse (AGA), the EAGLE tablet manufacturing building or the the Academy, among others, are settled.
The AGA has been one of the main innovations of the plant by enabling the complete automation of the more than 300,000 movements of material and pharmaceutical products used by GSK Aranda each year.
One of the latest changes has been the reconstruction of The Academy, an innovative training space in which a simulation zone has been created. Several areas of the factory have been replicated here with the aim of developing improvements in the management of production processes related to Big Data, Industry 4.0 and virtual environments GSK’s production center in Aranda has been chosen numerous times as a pilot space for the implementation of significant improvements in the company.
In 2013, GSK’s new work system known by the acronym GPS was implemented, with whom it is possible to work with Zero Accidents, Zero Defects and Zero Waste, in a standardized way in all the company’s factories.
A few years later, innovation came hand in hand with the McLaren for the management and analysis of the data generated during the manufacture of inhalers, assuming a substantial improvement in the process.
GSK is member of DIHBU since 2019.