Technological request / Industrial challenge

ID. DT 01

#3burgosi40 > Matchmaking Industry 4.0 2023 > Supply and request catalogue


Norteña, a Castilian SME based in Aranda de Duero, is looking for a robotic solution that can support an operator when he is working at heights. The solution sought must be low-cost and designed to physically assist the operator, in order to avoid accidents and reduce the level of effort.

The SME is thinking of an exoskeleton oriented robotics model or similar, so that the robotic device can be integrated into the operator’s equipment, compatible with the rest of the elements, and also, if possible, able to communicate/interact with the operator/equipment used by the operator.

Norteña has a high level of digitalization and risk prevention awareness, and its operators use devices to control the operations they perform, as well as specific safety elements for working at heights.

The solution must meet these criteria:

  • It must not pose an added difficulty to the operator’s task: it must allow free movement and operability.
  • The solution must be equipped with components suitable for outdoor use.
  • The solution must be focused to be used in roof waterproofing works.
  • The solution must allow connectivity and data transmission.
  • The solution must be low cost and environmentally friendly.

The company is dedicated to the waterproofing and execution of roofs, installation of lifelines and also has a Covercare division for the maintenance of industrial roofs. Waterproofing with FPO, TPO, PVC, EPDM, DTR systems.

Partner type sought

Manufacturer, developer or integrator of robotic elements (of any size), or knowledge center, that can provide the solution, either starting from a design or prototype, or providing equipment already on the market, which can be adaptable.

Sector:  R+D+i, Robotics Engineering, Capital Goods.

Type of agreement sought

  • Technical collaboration to provide an ad-hoc solution or adaptation, or for testing in a real scenario (to test a prototype for work at heights).
  • Commercial agreement for the acquisition of equipment already on the market.
  • Technical cooperation to initiate a joint development project


NORTEÑA de Aplicaciones y Obras, S.L.

Head office: Spain

Interesting facts

Norteña is an innovative SME, which maintains close collaboration with the engineering sector, to provide the most effective and satisfactory solution in any of the sectors in which they operate. It is a 100% digitalized company, winner of the 4.0 award for Digital Transformation of Castilla y León Económica, in its seventh edition.

Presence at the Technological Meeting

Professional Visitor

Availability of meetings

Throughout the matchmaking

Contact person for this request


Activity framed in the Technological Meeting Burgos Industry 4.0 2023.

Arlanzón Room. Floor 2. Forum Evolución Burgos

With specific support from