ID. TC 01
#3burgosi40 > Matchmaking Industry 4.0 2023 > Supply and request catalogue
Eurofirms Group, a company specializing in people management, recruitment and ETT, born more than 30 years ago, under a model of leadership by values, with presence throughout the national territory, is currently the leading human resources company in Spain.
The company’s division in the North of Spain, which includes Castilla y León, is looking for this talent corner:
Profiles of people interested in job opportunities related to Industry 4.0 – Digitization
In order to help them join both local industry and technology/engineering companies based in the region. We have multiple job offers that we manage from our clients, and that we can share with you depending on the profile.
In the Talent Corner area, the company can receive CVs, and have meetings with interested candidates.
Companies in the industrial sector and companies/entities of a technological nature or linked to innovation in the region, which are currently having difficulties in recruiting personnel.
To provide them with valid candidates, in a scenario of lack of talent.
In the Talent Corner area, the company can hold meetings with interested companies.
Entities linked to technical training for new collaboration agreements.
Eurofirms Group
Head office: Spain, Offices in Burgos.
Presence at the Technological Meeting
Featured contributor at the event
Industrial Track 4.0 Technical Conference
October 24th. Afternoon session.
6:30 p.m. Round table. Resilience in digitization processes: roadblocks and impact factors / José Manuel Vázquez, Operational Leader
October 25th. Presentation of projects, impact initiatives and opportunities linked to talent 4.0
12:25 a.m. Eurofirms IA Project for Talent Management
Availability of meetings
During all matchmaking.
It will be possible to deliver CVs, and receive potential candidates, without the need to request a meeting in advance.
For meetings with companies/entities, prior request is preferred.