SMART4ALL – 3rd Open Call for Cross-domain Technology Transfer Experiments (CTTE)

The experiments should be related to Customised Low-Energy Computing (CLEC) for CyberPhysical Systems (CPS) and the Internet of Things (IoT) with various application domains.


The experiments will be supported with a lump sum of up to €80,000 each to cover staff, travel and equipment needed for implementing the experiment. A partner can not receive more than €60,000.


Consortium is made as by 3 eligible entities from at least two eligible countries, playing different roles as follows:

• One academic/industrial technology provider

• One industrial early technology adopter

• One industrial productisation partner that extends the value chain


The participation of at least two SMEs or Slightly Bigger Companies is compulsory and one of them should be the leader of the cross-border experiment.

Consortia including at least one member from one of the SEE (South-East Europe, except Greece) countries will be prioritised.


Smart4All Web

SMART4ALL aims to accelerate the development of innovative product-oriented projects and offer guidance towards successful commercialisation. SMART4ALL is a European initiative funding cross-border experiments for technology transfer between researchers and industrial actors.

The event is finished.


Dec 01 2022 - Jan 17 2023