SHOP4CF open call for system integrators and manufacturers (SMEs)

SHOP4CF has launched its first open call for system integrators and manufacturing companies. The project aims to create a unique infrastructure for the convenient deployment of human-centric industrial applications.

The goal of this call is to establish pilots by combining modular SHOP4CF components. The pilots are supposed to integrate both pre-existing components, developed by the SHOP4CF consortium and new components, developed by the applicants.

Who can apply?

The first Call for Pilot Establishment Instrument is targeted to system integrators who would like to integrate SHOP4CF solutions to their customer’s manufacturing environment.

SHOP4CF looks for 6 tandems of one integrator and one manufacturing company, at least one of them being an SME. The integrator is in charge of implementing the solution on the production side of the manufacturing company.

  • 8 month programme to Implement your solution
  • Use SHOP4CF components and develop your own ones!
  • Test in industrial environments
  • €100K lump sum for personnel and travel expenses and consumables
  • Get visibility among the Industry 4.0 EU innovators

Apply now

The event is finished.


May 26 2021 - Aug 03 2021