SecurIT First Open Call (prototypes or demonstrators)
SecurIT: New industrial value chain for safe, secure and resilient cities and territories.
The SecurIT project aims to address gaps in the European security industry through innovative solutions. In this context the project has launched its first open call (cascade funding).
The project will select up to 21 projects to develop new prototypes or demonstrators in the cybersecurity field with support from the SecurIT consortium.
Projects should be submitted by the consortia of at least 2 SMEs and should address one of the challenges.
- Prototyping Instrument – Funding up to €74,000 per prototype project (maximum €60,000 per SME)
- Demonstration Instrument – Funding up to €88,000 per demonstration project (maximum €60,000 per SME).
For Prototyping Instrument it is expected that the initial TRL (Technology Readiness Level) is a minimum of 5 while the TRL reached by the end of the project will be a minimum TRL 6/7.
For Demonstration Instrument it is expected that the initial TRL is minimum 5 while the TRL at the end of the project is minimum TRL 8/9.
Additional information
SecurIT is an EU-funded project aiming to create a new global competitive security industry (product & service) by supporting a better integration of innovative security systems.
This will be achieved by:
- supporting the development and integration of innovative security solutions in a new industrial value chain (and services);
- co-financing and supporting the development of collaborative projects allowing the prototyping and experimentation of technological solutions in the field of security, taking into account the ethical, legal and societal challenges of this sector;
- promoting cross-border cooperation between SMEs and other innovation actors in this sector.
SecurIT aims to focus on increasing the security of current applications, services and infrastructures by integrating state-of-the-art security solutions or processes, supporting the creation of lead markets & market incentives in Europe, following an end-user driven approach.
SecurIT is looking for consortia of at least 2 SMEs [registered legal person] established in:
- The Member States of the European Union and its Overseas Countries and Territories (OCT) or
- Associated Countries to H2020.
At least one SME in the consortium should be a technology/IT solution provider.
Selected consortia will enter up to 12-months Support Programme and receive support of the Experts from Top Security Clusters.
The deadline for this open call is 26 April 2022.
The selection of the Open Call proposals will be carried out in a six-step process:
- Step 1 will check the proposals against eligibility criteria
- Step 2 (optional) will pre-select the best proposals based on pre-scoring criteria
- Step 3 will involve external evaluation to assess the proposal according to the criteria
- Step 4 will involve the SecurIT consortium to choose the proposals that will be invited to Jury Day, based on the external evaluation results and the objectives of the SecurIT project
- Step 5 will involve the SecurIT consortium to select the finalists based on the Jury Day pitches and evaluation criteria. Each applicant invited to Jury Day will be requested some basic legal information.
- Step 6 will include the review of legal documents and Ethical Review before the Sub Grant Agreement signature.