NEMO Open Call #1: to embrace new SMEs in the NEMO consortium
The Open Call aims to extend NEMO scope and technology and invite SMEs active in edge computing, edge and/or cloud native software development, operating systems, IoT/5G networks and IoT manufacturing to join the NEMO consortium.
The total funding is €900,000 to implement innovative core metaOS components and plugins to support new functionality and new services and validate the NEMO components, in particular by offering:
- a) NEMO meta-architecture extensions
- b) software components/plugins not covered by current NEMO implementation plan
- c) new network or service/resources metering/automated control components
- d) porting NEMO on new, highly heterogeneous IoT devices
The funding for each new participant will be up to 150K€ and it is expected that at least 6 new partners join the NEMO consortium via this open call.
The selected projects will start on March 2024 and run for 18 months.