Human Brain Project: Call for Expressions of Interest (CEoI): EBRAINS Service for Sensitive Data
A Human Brain Project (HBP) Call for Expression of Interest (CEoI) to establish EBRAINS Services for Sensitive Data (EBRAINS SSD) as a part of the EBRAINS Research Infrastructure.
The EBRAINS SSD shall 1) serve multinational research consortia in Europe, in support of basic, clinical and translational research in the diverse field of neuroscience, 2) deliver services and tools required to work efficiently across countries with research on sensitive neuroscience data originating from human subjects (directly identifiable or pseudonymised data), including collaborative sharing, collecting and analysing sensitive data.
Expected duration of participation: 15 months (January 2022 to March 2023)
Maximum funding per proposal: 1.000.000 € (plus 25% Indirect Costs), one proposal will be selected
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