AIplan4EU Open call 2 for use-cases
The AIPlan4EU project will bring AI planning as a first-class citizen in the European AI On-Demand (AI4EU) Platform by developing a uniform, user-centered framework to access the existing planning technology and by devising concrete guidelines for innovators and practitioners on how to use this technology.
To do so, we will consider use-cases from diverse application areas that will drive the design and the development of the framework, and include several available planning systems as engines that can be selected to solve practical problems.
We will develop a general and planner-agnostic API that will both be served by the AI4EU platform and be available as a resource to be integrated into the users’ systems.
The framework will be validated on use-cases both from within the consortium and recruited by means of cascade funding; moreover, standard interfaces between the framework and common industrial technologies will be developed and made available.
On the second open call for use-cases, up to 5 use-case proposals will be selected and funded.
This funding consists of €1.500 per use-case to attend a workshop where you will get help to further develop and specify your use-case in the context of AI Planning.
After this workshop, the use-case winners will also have the opportunity to be funded to support the use-case implementation foreseen in the future open calls. Therefore, the participants should demonstrate their long-term commitment to the AIPlan4EU research and innovation agenda.
- You will receive:
Funding €1500 per use-case in Open Call 2 for Use-Cases.
The opportunity to be funded up to €30.000 to support the use-case implementation in the future open calls.
Opportunities to connect with users and suppliers from various industries.
Access to a sustainable ecosystem of stakeholders active in multiple AI Planning domains.